Mercy Hollow
author : Mercy HollowVisit me at to get swag and book club downloads. \nSign up for my slick letter and receive a free Legions story at\n\nMERCY HOLLOW was born in Florida, where she was terrorized by alligators, fire ants, rabid raccoons, sharks, drunken college students, 100% humidity, and mouse-ear-wearing, heat-loving tourists. She lived on three continents (four if you count the foreign realm of her imagination), and planted her feet in San Francisco. She has a love of hockey, motorcycles, and anything deemed weird. She writes about gritty underworlds, twists, deception, strong men, stronger women, and a hidden part of Chicago you've never seen.\n\nShe is a freelance editor, workshop presenter, avid facilitator of late-night read and critiques, and slinger of whimsical, on-the-edge humor.\n View more >>